Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't forget your...

Well, Friday was an interesting learning experience for me. It started something like this...

0730: Get up and help get Madison and Charlotte ready for school, while having the morning coffee and crumpets, taking blood pressure, blood sugar levels etc. (BP was good, BSL was 14.5) Our mornings can get a little hectic, as any parent would attest...

0830: Girls departed for school. Kerry had a few things at TAFE so I sat down at the computer to do some work.

1145: Not feeling the best. Kerry had returned home. Had a funny feeling that I had forgotten something and asked her if I had taken my morning drugs, to which she replied that she didn't know. Well, given that it is now almost lunch and neither of us can recall whether I have or not, I decide to wait until the afternoon course as I'm not sure I should have an extra dose of Cyclophosphamide (if I did actually take the morning one).

1800: We sit down to the evening meal and I take my afternoon course of drugs. I am feeling quite out of sorts by this stage, the muscle cramps are becoming quite painful, and I am starting to develop a fever. Am also feeling quite drowsy at times. I have noticed that is one extra Cyclo tablet in the bottle and realise that I did in fact miss the morning dose.

2000: I've had enough and head for bed, hopefully to sleep... Under the covers is too hot, as I am sweating profusely and out of the covers I am shivering... There is no happy medium, so I take my temperature. It's 39.2c... Decide to take a few Paracetamol tablets to see if that helps bring it down.

2250: I'm still awake and in quite a bit of pain... The fever hasn't broken and then I realise that by missing the morning course of tablets, I have completely missed out on today's Prednisolone. Ooops. I head out and take the Pred that I missed and a few more Paracetamol before having another shower to cool me down...

0120: Still awake, but the fever is down to 37.6 now and the muscles seem to have quietened down a little. Sleep follows shortly after...

So... What did I learn today? Don't forget your drugs!!! In the next few days I plan to either get a medicine box where I can split my doses up by morning and afternoon sessions for each day of the week, or keep a notebook in my medicine box so I can write down when I have taken them, so that if I am not sure next time, I can just look...

Kerry seems to think the box is a good idea, as I am bound to get slack with the book and just not do it...

Anyway all is now back to what passes for normal in my life...


1 comment:

  1. Yep, go the the box with "morning" "afternoon" "evening" on a daily basis. Ours is well used ;-) They're great for those of us that can't remember what they've had for breakfast! U.Trev
